We ended up winning that game, no problem. But no thanks to my so called "fans". Throughout the whole game they made me think they were hockey fans instead of actual hockey players.
After my game, most of the guys were waiting out in the lobby for me. I was in the middle of a conversation with Meech when Val walked over, put one arm around me and pulled me closer to him. From when I first met him, I thought he was super shy. But it seemed like he was warming up to me pretty fast.
Derek looked us over once and got the worst look on his face, before turning and leaving through the double doors. My jaw dropped and I punched him in the arm, "That was so mean!" It truly was, but I couldn't help myself from laughing.
"Ohh, He will get over it trust me, Meechy can just be sensitive." I couldn't tell you how much I loved just hearing Val talk. The way he stumbled over his words, and how he had to pause every so often, I couldn't get enough of.
All of us went and got pizza afterwards, and even though I was starving, a don't think I even ate two pieces. Not that it really would have mattered, I'm pretty sure Helm and Aaron ate two whole pizza's themselves.
"So," Val said, "What do you like to do besides volleyball?"
I turned and faced him, "Well, I don't know really. Shopping, I used to play hockey so in the winter when our pond freezes over I play, Oh, and I sleep, Alot. If someone let me sleep for three days straight I probably would."
He laughed at me playfully, "So you're like a girly girl, but not really? Why don't you play anymore?"
I shrugged my shoulders, not really wanting to get into the whole real reason I don't play that often. "It's a really long story I'll tell you another time. So what about you? What do you do besides hockey?"
He could obviously take a hint, "Well, I like to play tennis, you should play with me sometime. And, I love to be home in Finland."
I giggled, "Do you really want to see me fall flat on my face? I'm probably not as coordinated as you think I am."
Everyone put down some money on the table and got ready to leave, I knew they had a game against the Rangers the next night, And I was hoping to come. They used to be one of my all time favorite teams, and I was really excited. I was debating though on whether to wear my Shanahan jersey, since he had gone to the Rangers or my regular Yzerman one.
I told Val goodnight and he gave me a kiss on the top of my head, "Let's get together soon, I really want to know more about you, and why you don't play anymore..."
As he drove away, I sat in my car, distraught. Was I really going to have to tell him about something that had been haunting me since I was a teenager?