Saturday, July 11, 2009

All or Nothing;7

After Aaron had explained to me all that happened that night, about how when we were going to his apartment all I did was say, "Take me to Val's house." "No, I want to go to Val's place.", over and over again. You could say I had had my share of embarrassment for the day. They thought it was just flat out hilarious, but it didn't really bother me, so I laughed with them.

Huds drove me back to the bar and dropped me off to get my car. I then went home to an empty house and took a long shower. I had a game later, and the last thing I needed was a hangover. I knew the team would be going on their first away game of the season, so that explained where my dad was. I was getting really upset that I hadn't been able to talk to Val since I practically bailed on him. I knew he would most likely be upset with me.

I packed my duffel bag and headed to the gym. I wasn't feeling much better and I knew Coach Hazel would be pissed if she knew I was out drinking the night before a game, so I was going to try my best to hide it. So I picked up an Amp energy drink on my way, hoping it would help.

Most girls were practicing when I came in, others still in the locker room. I started practicing, getting about 50 sets in a row. Not as good as usual, and someone noticed. I got called into Coach Hazel's office not ten minutes later. I drug my body into her office, not knowing what to be prepared for, just that it wasn't going to be good.

"Well," She began, "Do you want to tell me a reason why you're playing like that." She pointed her finger back out to the gym.

I sighed, "No reason really... I'm feeling just fine."

Her face got beat red, and her voice level escalated, "Tell me, or I'll kick you off this team without looking back."

My jaw dropped and I shook my head back and forth. I was by far one of the best players on this team, she and I knew it.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I'm pretty sure don't want to do that." I knew I was being overly cocky, and it wasn't like me.

She then practically laughed in my face, "Don't think you can't be replaced."

I rolled my eyes and she continued, "You can sit this game out, but I want to see you back here tomorrow morning, ready for practice, and don't make me call you back in here again."

I pushed myself up out of her chair, threw my bag over my shoulder and walked out. I hadn't been kicked out of a game since my junior year in high school, and that's just because me and a few girls were picking on the freshman. Marie Hazel was my coach back then too, yeah we go way back. I laughed when I got into my Range Rover, it was her loss for the night, not mine. They would just have a harder time winning, if they were going to at all.


I raced home, barely stopped at any stop sign in our neighborhood, just so I could catch the pregame. I ran to the door, forgetting to unlock it the first time, and running fight into it. I rubbed my head and laughed at myself, before slipping the key into the lock. Brad must have been out with some friends and my Mom must have been shopping because once again the house was empty. I walked into my room and put on my Yzerman jersey for good luck

I flipped the TV and was glued to it for the rest of the night. We ended up beating the Hurricanes 3-1, which put me in a better mood. I hadn't been this addicted to hockey since I was younger. I watched Val the most, but couldn't stop thinking about what his first impression of me was, my mind wandered. Just another girl, was pretty much all I was to him at this point, and it was killing me. I had to get up enough courage to talk to him when they came back into town tomorrow for practice, but I had a feeling it was just too late. Plus I had other things to worry about, tomorrow was going to be hell.

1 comment:

  1. yayys! so glad you finally updated!! Can't wait to see what happens next!! =]
