Monday, June 29, 2009
All or Nothing;5

Sunday, June 21, 2009
All or Nothing;4

At the end of the second period, we were beating the wild 4-1, my dad asked me to run down to the locker room and figure out who had left their cell phone at practice earlier. He tossed me a pretty expensive looking phone, and I left.
I knew the arena like the back of my hand, it hadn't changed since I was little. It was pretty loud in the room, so I decided I would ask Meech since I couldn't find Aaron, maybe he would know.
"Derek, do you know whose phone this is?"
He looked it over and gave it back to me, "Uhm, I think it's Fil's, go talk to him." He smiled and winked at me.
"Oh, alright." I guess I wasn't really taking the hint that he was trying to set us up.
I quickly looked for Val's locker and went to talk to him, I wasn't nervous at all, until I saw him smile at me. I handed the phone to his, "This is yours, right?"
He laughed, "It is.. thank you." His accent was like nothing I had ever heard before, I loved it.
"No problem." I smiled once more and turned to walk away.
"Oh, I'm Val by the way..." I turned around and he was staring at his feet, he had to be shy.
"I know, I'm Riley." I couldn't wipe the stupid smile off my face, it was killing me.
"Everybody calls you Ry though right?"
"Yeah, nickname since birth." I laughed with him.
All the guys were filing out of the locker room, so he got up,"Can I talk to you later? After the game or something?"
"I'd love that." I smiled again. He shook his head, smiled, then went out to the ice.
Once I was a clear distance away, I was finally able to breathe again.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
All or Nothing;3

All or Nothing;2

Kristy came over and handed me a bottle of her hairspray, "Bangs back remember? New rule."
"Ugh, I must have missed that too huh?"
She laughed, "You really should think about getting to practice earlier, you miss all the good stuff."
"Yeah, I'll try and remember that when my alarm goes off at nine o'clock."
Couch Hazel then walked in, about ready to give us our regular speech which many of us ignored anyway.
"Alright girls listen up! I want you all over here, cmon cmon. As we all know this game is very important, we play hard, then we party hard later. You have alot of people out their watching you, so lets get this done. I'll make sure we get some extra practice in tomorrow if this game doesn't go well.
There was the threat, we waited for her to go on but, wow, that was it? I expected much more.
We walked out to the court, my eyes went straight to where my mom usually sat. She was there, along with my dad. Wow, I thought when he said a few guys he meant four of five. There sat a few guys I did know, Ozzie, who was cheering me on. Draper, Datsyuk and Zetterbergh. And then I few I had only seen from watching them play but never talked to them before, Downey, Meech, Ericsson, and Helm.
Then there was someone who looked very unfamiliar.. maybe I had see him before but just never got a good look. Our eyes met almost immediately, his blue eyes were gorgeous. And his blonde hair only made them stick out even more. Then I got it, was that the new Finnish guy my dad had been going on about? Blonde hair and blue eyes, it had to be. Right?
All or Nothing;1

Monday, June 15, 2009
All or Nothing; Info
Riley Holland
Age: 21
-Dad is Red Wings GM Ken Holland.
-Had played Volleyball since she was little and is a star player of her team.
- Trying to get a scholarship while living in the heart of Michigan, Hockeytown.
Valtteri Filppula
Age: 25
- Plays for the Detroit Red Wings
- Play center and left wing.
- Very shy.