Tuesday, June 16, 2009

All or Nothing;1

I sat the kitchen counter, just like It was a normal morning. Listening to my brother Brad and my mom bicker about whose turn it was to empty the dishwasher. Not that it really mattered, but it was a ongoing problem in the house.

Since hockey season was about to start up again, my dad was probably meeting with another manager, trying to get a last minute deal done.

Once I couldn't stand to her them fight about something so dumb anymore, I got a blue Gatorade from the fridge, took my moms car keys off the hook, and walked out the door. Practice was scheduled way to early this morning, I hated getting up early. We did have a pretty big game this afternoon though, which I'm sure my dad couldn't come to, just like many of the others. I was able to live with it though, hockey came first, the family second. It was hard to swallow, but eventually I got over it.

My phone started to vibrate, but it was in the bag behind me, so I let it go. I walked into the year, but I wasn't prepared for the look on everyones face. Complete and utter shock. I swore I saw Whitney crying. Jess was first to run over to me, "Where were you, you missed everything!"

"Sorry I don't get her 20 minutes early like all the rest of you suck ups... why what'd I miss?" My voice was much more calm then hers, she had to be overreacting.

"Ry, Coach says that if we don't win the last 8 games of the season, we can't compete in the tournament, this summer." Her voice started to fade, like she was about to start crying.

"Are you serious? Were the best team in the league right now, we have nothing to worry about."

"I know, but every other team has stepped it up this season, and their catching up to us, according to Coach Hazel..."

I kept heading towards the locker room, so i could get ready, while Jess was attached to my side, babbling on and on. And when I found out the locker room wasn't any better, I wasn't going to take it anymore.

"Alright guys listen up!" I shouted, "This is so dumb, we aren't freshman anymore, we've been in the situation before. Couch wants us to play hard, so we can be the best. Quit crying, it's not the end of the world. We'll finish the season on top, like we always do."

Nobody said anything, because they all knew I was right. All the girls starting heading to the court.

I did check the voicemail my dad had left me earlier though, "Hey Ry, I'm pretty sure I can make it to your game tonight. I hope you don't mind if I bring some of the guys from the team. I told them how good you are, so they wanted to see. I'll see you around four then I guess, bye."

I just about died, my dad would be bringing professional hockey players to one of the most important games of the season, wait til I told the girls about this.....


  1. Ahhh!!! YAYY!!!! I love love love loved it!! haha Can't wait for more! =]

  2. oh i'm so excited!! new story!!! =]

  3. Oh boy a new story. Great start and I can't wait to see what happens next.

  4. Yay! New story! And it's awesome! Yay!

    Any chance you will be keeping the Howard story going?

    Can't wait for the next chapter!

  5. yeah, im gunna try and update my jimmy one too (:
    i cant forget about him (: haha.
    but my focas is on this for now.
    thanks soo much for all the comments!
