Tuesday, June 16, 2009

All or Nothing;3

I tried my best to concentrate on the game, but it wasn't working out very well. I kept thinking, What is he thinking, why did he give me that look when we saw eachother?

Couch had me serving alot of the time, my arm was starting to kill me, but I was getting through it. I felt like I was dieing, I knew I was wiping the sweat off my forehead every two seconds.

The game was about over, and we were up 17-20, game point. I served the ball, hoping It would be the last time, it went back and forth a few times until I set Whitney up to spike it, we had finally won. We shook hands, and I game Whitney a hug hug.

Afterwards I quickly changed and went to meet my parents outside.

My dad patted me on the back, "Good game kid." I frantically looked around for the guys from the team, but all that remained were Ozzie, Downey and Helm. After signing a few autographs, they came over too.

"Woo! Nice game Ry." Ozzie shouted.

I blushed, but only from being embarrassed, "Thanks."

Downey spend no time introducing himself, "Aaron Downey, I'm sure you've heard the name before." He held out his hand to me.

"Ohh! You're the fighter right? Love it." I gushed. That was by far my favorite part about hockey, the fighting.

"That would be me." He was obviously full of himself, but in a good way.

We talked for a while, before they left. Aaron hugged me goodbye, and I could tell he slipped something into the back pocket of my sweatpants.

After he was a good distance away, I took it out. Or coarse, his number. I laughed to myself, the guy was crazy. But I did but the number in my phone for safe keeping, he seemed like a fun guy to be around.

Later that night after dinner I decided I would talk to my dad about this Finnish guy. But I didn't want him to think I had a major thing with him, I didn't even know him, so I would have to be careful. I found him in my parents bedroom, going over some papers.

"Hey dad.."

"Hey hun, what do you need?"

I sat down at the edge of the bed, "Ohh nothing really. I just wanted to ask about a few guys on the team. I remember you telling me about the guy from Finland, who's he?" I was trying my best to act casual, and I'm sure I was failing.

"Oh you mean Valtteri? Valtteri Filppula? Well he goes by Val or Fil for short. Anyways, great guy, great player. Hes got it all really, good skater, handles the puck well. Scores. Plus, hes got a good head on his shoulders. He came in last year, but didn't get alot of playing time. Speaks great English though."

"Wow, he sounds pretty good." I was shocked at how much my dad had gone on about.

"Very good. Shy though, but the girls do love him, I've seen fans be all over him."

You aren't kidding. I don't blame those girls either, hes gorgeous. I thought to myself.

He snapped me back out of my thoughts, "Soo..tell me why you wanted to know about him?"

Oh shit... "Just thought I should get to know the guys better this season." I kept my voice as calm as possible.

"I'd love that, don't you like sitting up in the box?"

"Love it, best seat in the house. I'll definitely come to more games this season." I made myself sound excited, but I really was. I wanted to talk to this Valtteri.

"First game of the season's tomorrow, come with me."

It was hard for me to say yes, my parents had pushed me into hockey when I was younger, when my schedule was already full. I loved in until Junior high, when thinks started getting old. I was sick of being pushed into something I no longer had a love for. I wasn't that good anyway. My team was over crowed and I got no playing time, no matter how much my dad talked to the coach, nothing ever changed. I turned into more of a fan.

I finally told my dad I'd come and left the room after giving him a hug goodnight. It would be time to dig out my old Yzerman jersey from my closet. So I went digging. It would be hard to find with all of my Wings clothes, my dad had gotten me every shirt, sweatshirt, or pants you could ever want from the Joe. Of coarse my brother and his friends would have to barge in and annoy me the rest of the night though. It was so time to get my own place, apartment looking started tomorrow.


  1. yessss!!! Awesome yet again! I CANNOT wait for more!! =]

  2. Great chapter, as always. I love how her dad wanted to know why she wanted to know about Val. Can't wait for more.
