Tuesday, August 18, 2009

All or Nothing;10

I sat at Joe Louis, three rows from the glass on Saturday. The third period was about to start and the guys were only ahead by one goal. Valtteri was having a really good game, having two assists. The Joe was going crazy as the Jumbo Tron told us to get louder as the third period started.

By far the most exciting game of the season, Lundqvist was doing amazing with all the shots we had on him. But later Voros ended up scoring off a shot from the point, and not only a few minutes after banked a shot off the side of the net past Ozzie. The whole arena groaned, including me.

I thought for sure we were going to lose, but the Rangers ended up getting shorthanded and Hudler scored off a rebound. I breathed a sign of relief, knowing the game would at least be going into overtime.

By now, everyone was getting drunk, or already drunk, and I almost couldn't wait for the game to be over. Detroit has been known for its crazy, rude, bandwagon fans. Which I never really appreciated, because not all of us are like that. I mean, nobody was worse than the Ducks right?

Marian Hossa was new to the team this year, and I wasn't really that fond of him. But he was an amazing player. He scored the game winner just twenty three seconds into overtime. And since it was his 300th career goal, I knew there would be more celebrating involved.

I promised myself, that I wouldn't drink alot, because I didn't even really like to. I just didn't like the person I became.

****I woke up to the sunshine coming through my blinds. I rolled over and looked at my clock which read '10:32'. I sat up, grabbed my bag off my bedroom floor and ran out the door, swearing the entire way. Practice was scheduled for ten today. When I got home last night, I must have forgotten to set my alarm.

I drove ten miles over the speed limit only to get to the gym fourty five minutes late. As soon as Marie saw me she took me in to her office.

"So, do you want to tell me the reason you're late...? Again?"

I sighed, knowing I wasn't going to be able to be smart with her, "I'm sorry, my alarm didn't go off. "

She took a pen out of her desk and started to write something in my file, "I wish everyone had an excuse like that, now give me your uniform.

I stared at her, not really understanding what she was telling me, "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I told you last time this wasn't happen again. You're off the team until next season."

I held back my tears and actually had to tell myself to breath. I threw my uniform on her desk, "Good luck winning anything without me, I carry the team."

She shrugged, "You win some, you lose some. I'll see you next year."

I walked out to my car, tears streaming down my face. This was the one thing I loved, no what was I supposed to do. Missing out on a year of Volleyball meant, no Championship, no Most Valuable Player Award, and most of all, what I had been working towards since my freshman year. No Scholarship.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

All or Nothing;9

We ended up winning that game, no problem. But no thanks to my so called "fans". Throughout the whole game they made me think they were hockey fans instead of actual hockey players.

After my game, most of the guys were waiting out in the lobby for me. I was in the middle of a conversation with Meech when Val walked over, put one arm around me and pulled me closer to him. From when I first met him, I thought he was super shy. But it seemed like he was warming up to me pretty fast.

Derek looked us over once and got the worst look on his face, before turning and leaving through the double doors. My jaw dropped and I punched him in the arm, "That was so mean!" It truly was, but I couldn't help myself from laughing.

"Ohh, He will get over it trust me, Meechy can just be sensitive." I couldn't tell you how much I loved just hearing Val talk. The way he stumbled over his words, and how he had to pause every so often, I couldn't get enough of.

All of us went and got pizza afterwards, and even though I was starving, a don't think I even ate two pieces. Not that it really would have mattered, I'm pretty sure Helm and Aaron ate two whole pizza's themselves.

"So," Val said, "What do you like to do besides volleyball?"

I turned and faced him, "Well, I don't know really. Shopping, I used to play hockey so in the winter when our pond freezes over I play, Oh, and I sleep, Alot. If someone let me sleep for three days straight I probably would."

He laughed at me playfully, "So you're like a girly girl, but not really? Why don't you play anymore?"

I shrugged my shoulders, not really wanting to get into the whole real reason I don't play that often. "It's a really long story I'll tell you another time. So what about you? What do you do besides hockey?"

He could obviously take a hint, "Well, I like to play tennis, you should play with me sometime. And, I love to be home in Finland."

I giggled, "Do you really want to see me fall flat on my face? I'm probably not as coordinated as you think I am."

Everyone put down some money on the table and got ready to leave, I knew they had a game against the Rangers the next night, And I was hoping to come. They used to be one of my all time favorite teams, and I was really excited. I was debating though on whether to wear my Shanahan jersey, since he had gone to the Rangers or my regular Yzerman one.

I told Val goodnight and he gave me a kiss on the top of my head, "Let's get together soon, I really want to know more about you, and why you don't play anymore..."

As he drove away, I sat in my car, distraught. Was I really going to have to tell him about something that had been haunting me since I was a teenager?

Monday, July 13, 2009

All or Nothing;8

I was sound asleep until I heard my phone ringing on the table in the kitchen. The television was blaring with Ken and Mickey going over highlights of the game.

"Hello?" I answered, still groggy.

"Jeesh, someones sounds like they've been sleeping on a floor all night." I immediately recognized the voice.

I laughed, "Yeah, I guess you know everything huh Aaron?"

"I try. Listen, though, someone let the cat out of the bag."

I cracked up at the use of his words, not bothering to comprehend them until later.

I groaned loudly, "Who? Helm?"

"Yeah, nice guess." He sounded surprised.

"Well, you let him know that I'm coming to practice tomorrow. Wait 'til I get my hands on him."

He laughed, "Can't wait to see this! I'll make sure to get the word out. Oh and one more thing"

I sighed, "Yes Aaron?"

"Fil was flattered, to say the least."

I shook my head and hung up the phone.

[Val's POV]

At practice I found what Helmer told me about Riley more adorable than anything else.My first impression of her was just a sweet, down to earth girl. But obviously she had a fun side to her, which I liked. Every one of the guys told me to ask her out but truthfully, I wasn't looking for a girlfriend, and I wasn't about to waste her time. Heidi and I had just broken up not even a month ago. And I wasn't sure if I was ready for another girl just yet.

Just as I was contemplating all of this in my head, she burst through the door of the locker room. She shot me a quick smile and I waved, the look on her face was like she was relived. Her walk then turned into a run as she spotted Darren hiding behind Maltby. I laughed as she playfully jumped on his back, put him in a headlock, and was talking into his ear. I was surprised that Helm couldn't toss her little frame right to the ground, but he listened and I'm guessing he deserved to.
I saw her make eye contact with me and then jump off his back, almost loosing her balance and her sweatpants at the same time. I could tell she was cracking up so I motioned for her to come over and sit next to me. She was still laughing when she sat down and her cheeks were a light shade of pink.
"Sorry," She said, "That had to be done. But I would have preferred not to moon everyone in the process."
"It's alright," I answered. "He did deserve it..."
She looked up at me, "Listen Val, whatever was said the other night, I'm really sorry if you took it the wrong way. I'm not like that at all."

I smiled at her, "Not a biggy. But what happened last week? I thought we were going to hang out after the game?"
She pressed her lips into a hard line, "Ozzie didn't tell you?" She turned her attention back to the full locker room, obviously looking for him.
She finally gave up looking for him, "Mrs. Illitch stopped me and wouldn't shut up. I'm so sorry. I'm not one to blow people off."
"Well, you'll just have to make it up to me then." I said proudly.
She laughed nervously, "I have a game tonight so what about Wednesday?"
"No tonight's perfect. I've been wanting to watch you play again anyway. Can a bring some of the guys?"
A smile spread across her face, "Yeah sure, tonight would be great."

Saturday, July 11, 2009

All or Nothing;7

After Aaron had explained to me all that happened that night, about how when we were going to his apartment all I did was say, "Take me to Val's house." "No, I want to go to Val's place.", over and over again. You could say I had had my share of embarrassment for the day. They thought it was just flat out hilarious, but it didn't really bother me, so I laughed with them.

Huds drove me back to the bar and dropped me off to get my car. I then went home to an empty house and took a long shower. I had a game later, and the last thing I needed was a hangover. I knew the team would be going on their first away game of the season, so that explained where my dad was. I was getting really upset that I hadn't been able to talk to Val since I practically bailed on him. I knew he would most likely be upset with me.

I packed my duffel bag and headed to the gym. I wasn't feeling much better and I knew Coach Hazel would be pissed if she knew I was out drinking the night before a game, so I was going to try my best to hide it. So I picked up an Amp energy drink on my way, hoping it would help.

Most girls were practicing when I came in, others still in the locker room. I started practicing, getting about 50 sets in a row. Not as good as usual, and someone noticed. I got called into Coach Hazel's office not ten minutes later. I drug my body into her office, not knowing what to be prepared for, just that it wasn't going to be good.

"Well," She began, "Do you want to tell me a reason why you're playing like that." She pointed her finger back out to the gym.

I sighed, "No reason really... I'm feeling just fine."

Her face got beat red, and her voice level escalated, "Tell me, or I'll kick you off this team without looking back."

My jaw dropped and I shook my head back and forth. I was by far one of the best players on this team, she and I knew it.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I'm pretty sure don't want to do that." I knew I was being overly cocky, and it wasn't like me.

She then practically laughed in my face, "Don't think you can't be replaced."

I rolled my eyes and she continued, "You can sit this game out, but I want to see you back here tomorrow morning, ready for practice, and don't make me call you back in here again."

I pushed myself up out of her chair, threw my bag over my shoulder and walked out. I hadn't been kicked out of a game since my junior year in high school, and that's just because me and a few girls were picking on the freshman. Marie Hazel was my coach back then too, yeah we go way back. I laughed when I got into my Range Rover, it was her loss for the night, not mine. They would just have a harder time winning, if they were going to at all.


I raced home, barely stopped at any stop sign in our neighborhood, just so I could catch the pregame. I ran to the door, forgetting to unlock it the first time, and running fight into it. I rubbed my head and laughed at myself, before slipping the key into the lock. Brad must have been out with some friends and my Mom must have been shopping because once again the house was empty. I walked into my room and put on my Yzerman jersey for good luck

I flipped the TV and was glued to it for the rest of the night. We ended up beating the Hurricanes 3-1, which put me in a better mood. I hadn't been this addicted to hockey since I was younger. I watched Val the most, but couldn't stop thinking about what his first impression of me was, my mind wandered. Just another girl, was pretty much all I was to him at this point, and it was killing me. I had to get up enough courage to talk to him when they came back into town tomorrow for practice, but I had a feeling it was just too late. Plus I had other things to worry about, tomorrow was going to be hell.

Friday, July 3, 2009

All or Nothing;6

"Oh, hey Derek." I hoped he couldn't hear the disappointment in my voice, but I'm sure it was evident. "Yeah, I'm coming to the game later. I'll see you there." I hung up, thinking I had probably been a little rude.

I then got ready, not nearly doing as much to myself as I did the last game. I put on a older sweatshirt with the wings emblem on it, and my favorite pair of ripped jeans. My dad then called me and said it was time to leave.


Ottawa ended up scoring first, just six minutes into the game. But only a few minutes later, I saw Val's 51 skate right up the goalie and score of a pass from Samuelson.

My dad turned to me and told me something I already knew, "I told you hes good." I had a huge smile on my face the rest of the same.

I wanted to go down to congratulate everyone after the win, especially Val. But I also didn't want them to think I was just another crazy female fan. Or as they like to call them- 'A puck bunny'. So I'd wait to talk to them after their away game to Carolina. Or so I thought, just as I was walking down the stairs of the Gordie Howe entrance, Aaron texted me, "Were all going out to eat, you're coming. Meet us in the locker room."

I turned back around and went back into the Joe, meeting everyone outside the locker room. I looked around for him, before Aaron came over and whispered in my ear, "Who are you looking for?"

"Nobody really." I laughed.

"You're a terrible lier, you know that?"


Little did I know, we were all going to a bar. There's a reason I don't drink alot, and once the guys figured that out, they kept buying me drinks. The last thing I even remember was Downey throwing me over his shoulder and leaving the bar.

I woke up in a unfamiliar room, but it must have been in someones living room because the TV was blasting. I sat up a rubbed my eyes, finally seeing Aaron, Hudler, and Helm all sitting scrunched together on the love seat. They immediately started snickering and laughing.

I groaned, "What happened last night?"

"Well, you were drunk after about five beers. I knew it when you really couldn't pick up the peanuts up out of the bowl on the bar. And I couldn't really take you home, so now you're here." Aaron told me, but I knew there was more to it, by the looks on their faces.

"Oh god.. what did I say?"

This time Huds starting talking, and though it was hard to understand his accent I got out of it, "You told us all what you thought about Fil that's for sure. "Don't worry about it though, cause we'll keep it a secret until you two become official."

I rubbed my head, "That's just great. It's all you're fault you know, you guys kept buying me stuff. Plus I've only talked to Val, like one time. he obviously thinks I'm just another girl, so it doesn't really matter."

"I bet you he doesn't. But look at it now, nothings a secret now, huh?" Somehow by Aaron saying that, it made the situation so much better.
[Sorry, Not a good update, I know. But I'm going on Vacation for the week so I just wanted to throw this together real fast. When I get home I'll have a really good update though, promise (:]

Monday, June 29, 2009

All or Nothing;5

For the third period, all I did was keep my eyes on Filppula's number. My dad was so right. He was amazing. Really good on his skates. We ended up losing 3-2. My dad had always called me his "good luck charm". I guess some things change over time.

Just as I was about to walk out, Marian stopped me. She wanted to talk more. I didn't want to be rude, so I had to stay. She went on and on about school, old stories, how my team was doing, you name it. Don't get me wrong, I loved her, but wow, she loved to talk. I checked the time on my blackberry, and noticed it had been a half hour since the game ended. I really wanted to talk to Val, so I sprinted down the hallway towards the locker room. I tripped over my own two feet multiple times, so much for being a volleyball player.

I pushed it open way to fast, almost nailing Ozzie right in the head.

"Jeesh, someones in a hurry."

"Sorry, but have you seen Val?" I looked around for him, but didn't see him.

"I think he just left, why?" He asked curiously.

I groaned, "Great, hes going to think I blew him off."

He laughed, "Kid stuff. Do you want me to tell him, tomorrow at practice, that you were here?"

"Sure, thanks Ozzie." He nodded and then left me standing there.

I couldn't help but feel super bad, but I snapped out of it as soon as I could hear Aaron and Meech somewhere in the locker room. They were so loud, I pushed the heavy door back open and quickly walked down the hallway. But I guess not fast enough, I heard Derek's voice right behind me. "Riley?"

I slowly turned around to see him standing there in a pair of sweats and a hoodie, with a tigers baseball cap on his head. "Hey Derek."

"Where are you headed?" He asked simply.

"Home, I think. You?"

Before I knew it he was standing right in front of me, "I was going to get something to eat. Want to come?" He had the hopeful sound in his voice, and I hated to tell him no, but i also didn't want to give him the wrong impression.

"Not tonight, my Dads waiting for me. Another night?" I took my Pearl out of my back pocket and handed it to him for him to add his number. After he got mine, I said good night.

But before I left, he brushed a curl out of my face, "You look really beautiful tonight. Plus, that jersey doesn't look to bad on you either."

I looked down at it and shrugged, "This old thing? Wow, thanks."

"Night Riley." He said softly.


Friday I had practice in the morning and a game, which we won again. I hoped coach would go easier on us, now that we were playing better. But practices just kept getting harder and harder. Finally it was Saturday, and there was another game which I planned on going to. I hadn't heard from Val of any of the guys from the team since Wednesday, which kind of bummed me out.

An hour before the game, my phone rang, I picked it up, not bothering to look at the caller ID, hoping it would be the one and only person I wanted to hear.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

All or Nothing;4

Practice was extra long the next day, she said it was the game we played was so close. Couch Hazel had us doing suicides and wall sits for so long, I no longer had any feeling left in my legs. After practice was finally over, we all slowly limped into the locker room.

Every girl was completely pissed, including me.

"What a bitch!" Carly screamed, loud enough for the couch to hear in the next room, "My legs feel like jello."

I notched that just about everyone was rubbing their legs profusely. I was known for getting really bad cramps in my legs, and they were really starting to bother me today. I just hoped they wouldn't ruin my plans for tonight, because I was really excited.

My phone vibrate just as I was getting into my car. I thought it was a text, but it was Aaron calling me.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, I heard you're coming to the game tonight, ready to see me kick ass?" He had that cocky tone to his voice, and it made me laugh.

"Yeah, Did my Dad tell you?"

I heard someone in the background, Draper maybe, say something to Aaron. I couldn't really make it out but I think it was something like, "Downey! Looking good..." And then the snap of a towel.

Aaron screamed in to the phone then said, "I gotta go, and by the way. I think somebody has a little thing for you on the team. And it's not just me...see you later?"

I tried my best to talk though my giggles, "Okay, bye."

On the drive home I thought about what he said, was I really that lucky and it was Val? Or was it someone else?


I limped around the house that night, but it didn't really bother me because I was so excited for the game. I hadn't sat up in the box with my dad for a long time, plus I was excited to see the guys, one in particular. I had on my Yzerman jersey, which only took me four hours to find. I even curled my hair so it looked extra cute.

"Are you sure you want to go? You don't have to, there's other games." My dad had been bugging me since I got home, and no matter how many times I told him, he still insisted I stay home and rest my legs.

"No, I'm going. I really want to, plus I'm fine. Just sore." I insisted.

He shook his head but didn't argue with me anymore. He knew I would win anyway.

Our drive to the Joe was short, seeing we only lived a few miles away. Once we got there my dad and I went straight to the box, where Mike and Marian Ilitch sat. They had so much to talk about, I was looking for any excuse to get out of there for a while.

At the end of the second period, we were beating the wild 4-1, my dad asked me to run down to the locker room and figure out who had left their cell phone at practice earlier. He tossed me a pretty expensive looking phone, and I left.

I knew the arena like the back of my hand, it hadn't changed since I was little. It was pretty loud in the room, so I decided I would ask Meech since I couldn't find Aaron, maybe he would know.

"Derek, do you know whose phone this is?"

He looked it over and gave it back to me, "Uhm, I think it's Fil's, go talk to him." He smiled and winked at me.

"Oh, alright." I guess I wasn't really taking the hint that he was trying to set us up.

I quickly looked for Val's locker and went to talk to him, I wasn't nervous at all, until I saw him smile at me. I handed the phone to his, "This is yours, right?"

He laughed, "It is.. thank you." His accent was like nothing I had ever heard before, I loved it.

"No problem." I smiled once more and turned to walk away.

"Oh, I'm Val by the way..." I turned around and he was staring at his feet, he had to be shy.

"I know, I'm Riley." I couldn't wipe the stupid smile off my face, it was killing me.

"Everybody calls you Ry though right?"

"Yeah, nickname since birth." I laughed with him.

All the guys were filing out of the locker room, so he got up,"Can I talk to you later? After the game or something?"

"I'd love that." I smiled again. He shook his head, smiled, then went out to the ice.

Once I was a clear distance away, I was finally able to breathe again.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

All or Nothing;3

I tried my best to concentrate on the game, but it wasn't working out very well. I kept thinking, What is he thinking, why did he give me that look when we saw eachother?

Couch had me serving alot of the time, my arm was starting to kill me, but I was getting through it. I felt like I was dieing, I knew I was wiping the sweat off my forehead every two seconds.

The game was about over, and we were up 17-20, game point. I served the ball, hoping It would be the last time, it went back and forth a few times until I set Whitney up to spike it, we had finally won. We shook hands, and I game Whitney a hug hug.

Afterwards I quickly changed and went to meet my parents outside.

My dad patted me on the back, "Good game kid." I frantically looked around for the guys from the team, but all that remained were Ozzie, Downey and Helm. After signing a few autographs, they came over too.

"Woo! Nice game Ry." Ozzie shouted.

I blushed, but only from being embarrassed, "Thanks."

Downey spend no time introducing himself, "Aaron Downey, I'm sure you've heard the name before." He held out his hand to me.

"Ohh! You're the fighter right? Love it." I gushed. That was by far my favorite part about hockey, the fighting.

"That would be me." He was obviously full of himself, but in a good way.

We talked for a while, before they left. Aaron hugged me goodbye, and I could tell he slipped something into the back pocket of my sweatpants.

After he was a good distance away, I took it out. Or coarse, his number. I laughed to myself, the guy was crazy. But I did but the number in my phone for safe keeping, he seemed like a fun guy to be around.

Later that night after dinner I decided I would talk to my dad about this Finnish guy. But I didn't want him to think I had a major thing with him, I didn't even know him, so I would have to be careful. I found him in my parents bedroom, going over some papers.

"Hey dad.."

"Hey hun, what do you need?"

I sat down at the edge of the bed, "Ohh nothing really. I just wanted to ask about a few guys on the team. I remember you telling me about the guy from Finland, who's he?" I was trying my best to act casual, and I'm sure I was failing.

"Oh you mean Valtteri? Valtteri Filppula? Well he goes by Val or Fil for short. Anyways, great guy, great player. Hes got it all really, good skater, handles the puck well. Scores. Plus, hes got a good head on his shoulders. He came in last year, but didn't get alot of playing time. Speaks great English though."

"Wow, he sounds pretty good." I was shocked at how much my dad had gone on about.

"Very good. Shy though, but the girls do love him, I've seen fans be all over him."

You aren't kidding. I don't blame those girls either, hes gorgeous. I thought to myself.

He snapped me back out of my thoughts, "Soo..tell me why you wanted to know about him?"

Oh shit... "Just thought I should get to know the guys better this season." I kept my voice as calm as possible.

"I'd love that, don't you like sitting up in the box?"

"Love it, best seat in the house. I'll definitely come to more games this season." I made myself sound excited, but I really was. I wanted to talk to this Valtteri.

"First game of the season's tomorrow, come with me."

It was hard for me to say yes, my parents had pushed me into hockey when I was younger, when my schedule was already full. I loved in until Junior high, when thinks started getting old. I was sick of being pushed into something I no longer had a love for. I wasn't that good anyway. My team was over crowed and I got no playing time, no matter how much my dad talked to the coach, nothing ever changed. I turned into more of a fan.

I finally told my dad I'd come and left the room after giving him a hug goodnight. It would be time to dig out my old Yzerman jersey from my closet. So I went digging. It would be hard to find with all of my Wings clothes, my dad had gotten me every shirt, sweatshirt, or pants you could ever want from the Joe. Of coarse my brother and his friends would have to barge in and annoy me the rest of the night though. It was so time to get my own place, apartment looking started tomorrow.

All or Nothing;2

"Oh my god..." I started to tell them. "My dads bringing some of the team with him..."

"Sounds pretty fun, I've never done anything with a hockey player before..."

"Shut up Whit, you've done stuff with everybody else." Chelsea joked.

We all laughed, except Whitney. She knew it was true, and we were tired of hearing all her stories.

"You're way lucky Ry, hockey players are hot! And you get to hang around them all you want." Kristy served the ball over the net and came right to me, easily hitting it back.

"Yeah true, but the Wings have a bunch of veterans, and alot are married. So I've never really dated one. I heard there were some new rookies coming in though, and a few new guys. My dad had a pretty busy off season. " I told her.

It eventually turned into a full out team conversation, even our coached were getting into it. "Oh you don't even know what I'd do to get my hands on that boy Crosby, damn!" I started cracking up, "I met him once, hes not as hot in person, trust me... cute but still has that baby face to him." I explained to them.

Practice finally ended around three, and the game was at four, I decided it would be best to shower and get redressed her instead of going back home first. As I pulled my hair back in a ponytail (couch would have a fit if we ever left it down) I noticed I was much more nervous than I usually am. Not like I hadn't played in front of important people, when tournaments came around I would be playing for a scholarship. So why was I so nervous now?

Kristy came over and handed me a bottle of her hairspray, "Bangs back remember? New rule."

"Ugh, I must have missed that too huh?"

She laughed, "You really should think about getting to practice earlier, you miss all the good stuff."

"Yeah, I'll try and remember that when my alarm goes off at nine o'clock."

Couch Hazel then walked in, about ready to give us our regular speech which many of us ignored anyway.

"Alright girls listen up! I want you all over here, cmon cmon. As we all know this game is very important, we play hard, then we party hard later. You have alot of people out their watching you, so lets get this done. I'll make sure we get some extra practice in tomorrow if this game doesn't go well.

There was the threat, we waited for her to go on but, wow, that was it? I expected much more.

We walked out to the court, my eyes went straight to where my mom usually sat. She was there, along with my dad. Wow, I thought when he said a few guys he meant four of five. There sat a few guys I did know, Ozzie, who was cheering me on. Draper, Datsyuk and Zetterbergh. And then I few I had only seen from watching them play but never talked to them before, Downey, Meech, Ericsson, and Helm.

Then there was someone who looked very unfamiliar.. maybe I had see him before but just never got a good look. Our eyes met almost immediately, his blue eyes were gorgeous. And his blonde hair only made them stick out even more. Then I got it, was that the new Finnish guy my dad had been going on about? Blonde hair and blue eyes, it had to be. Right?

All or Nothing;1

I sat the kitchen counter, just like It was a normal morning. Listening to my brother Brad and my mom bicker about whose turn it was to empty the dishwasher. Not that it really mattered, but it was a ongoing problem in the house.

Since hockey season was about to start up again, my dad was probably meeting with another manager, trying to get a last minute deal done.

Once I couldn't stand to her them fight about something so dumb anymore, I got a blue Gatorade from the fridge, took my moms car keys off the hook, and walked out the door. Practice was scheduled way to early this morning, I hated getting up early. We did have a pretty big game this afternoon though, which I'm sure my dad couldn't come to, just like many of the others. I was able to live with it though, hockey came first, the family second. It was hard to swallow, but eventually I got over it.

My phone started to vibrate, but it was in the bag behind me, so I let it go. I walked into the year, but I wasn't prepared for the look on everyones face. Complete and utter shock. I swore I saw Whitney crying. Jess was first to run over to me, "Where were you, you missed everything!"

"Sorry I don't get her 20 minutes early like all the rest of you suck ups... why what'd I miss?" My voice was much more calm then hers, she had to be overreacting.

"Ry, Coach says that if we don't win the last 8 games of the season, we can't compete in the tournament, this summer." Her voice started to fade, like she was about to start crying.

"Are you serious? Were the best team in the league right now, we have nothing to worry about."

"I know, but every other team has stepped it up this season, and their catching up to us, according to Coach Hazel..."

I kept heading towards the locker room, so i could get ready, while Jess was attached to my side, babbling on and on. And when I found out the locker room wasn't any better, I wasn't going to take it anymore.

"Alright guys listen up!" I shouted, "This is so dumb, we aren't freshman anymore, we've been in the situation before. Couch wants us to play hard, so we can be the best. Quit crying, it's not the end of the world. We'll finish the season on top, like we always do."

Nobody said anything, because they all knew I was right. All the girls starting heading to the court.

I did check the voicemail my dad had left me earlier though, "Hey Ry, I'm pretty sure I can make it to your game tonight. I hope you don't mind if I bring some of the guys from the team. I told them how good you are, so they wanted to see. I'll see you around four then I guess, bye."

I just about died, my dad would be bringing professional hockey players to one of the most important games of the season, wait til I told the girls about this.....

Monday, June 15, 2009

All or Nothing; Info


Riley Holland
Age: 21
-Dad is Red Wings GM Ken Holland.
-Had played Volleyball since she was little and is a star player of her team.
- Trying to get a scholarship while living in the heart of Michigan, Hockeytown.

Valtteri Filppula
Age: 25
- Plays for the Detroit Red Wings
- Play center and left wing.
- Very shy.